Digital Art
Brynn Alise entered the digital art space in the spring of 2021 and has sold over 80 1/1 pieces of her photography as well as over 200 editions of seven pieces of her work. You can find her work to purchase here and links to all related pieces on LinkTree – Once an image is sold on the Ethereum blockchain, it is owned by the collector and can not be created again for blockchain. However, the image may still be sold as a print. These images are available for print in editions of 15 each, so you will see them in my galleries until all 15 editions of each are sold.
Listed with Transient Labs and minted on Foundation
10 1/1s | .185 eth | 4 years in the making | 60 images edited over 2022/23 | 10 images curated for series
Celebrating my love of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and my focus on abstract and minimalism in 2024
See more the drop page here
An Uncertain Future
Auction Starts at .5 ETH
SOLD 1/1s
SOLD 1 eth (2,800 USD) Collected by DeeZe
SOLD 1.5 eth (2,900 USD) Collected by BatsoupYum
SOLD 1 ETH (1,700 USD) Collected by Buying Your Stops
SOLD 2.25 eth (2,900 USD) Collected by BatsoupYum
SOLD 2 eth (2,400 USD) Collected by Me Llamo Matt
SOLD 1.1 ETH Collected by Me Llamo Matt

SOLD 3.05 eth (3,100 USD) Collected by Me Llamo Matt

SOLD .65 eth ($897 USD) Collected by Reginal De Le Grarbs
Balance In Nature Conservation Collection (50 1/1 pieces – sold out)
Manifold Editions (no editions currently available)
“Freedom to Roam” edition of 40 – sold out
“Like A Dream” edition of 31 – sold out
“Commitment” edition of 50 total – sold out
“Contentment” edition of 16 total – sold out
“Majestic” edition of 40 total – sold out
“Belonging” edition of 30 total – sold out
“Moran Reflections” edition of 20 total – sold out
Check the secondary market for any available editions or for my wildlife collection.